Oil changes may feel like a hassle at times, but the alternative just isn’t worth it. Here’s why oil changes are critical for your car.

What Happens When You Don’t Change Your Oil?
Replacing your oil is key to keeping your engine functioning properly. Your oil lubricates and cleans different parts of your engine, but over time the oil becomes a thick, sludge-like consistency. When that happens, it no longer does its job — in fact, it forces your engine to work harder to power through the Alaskan muck. Your engine will dry up and the metal parts will clash together, even causing them to break. This isn’t good for your engine, and it also hurts your gas mileage.
Eventually, your engine will stall out or overheat and you can end up with a complete engine failure. That will require costly repairs, or even an engine replacement. Plus, this could happen at any time, meaning you might find yourself on the side of the road with a failed engine.
How Often Should You Change Your Oil?
Most cars require an oil change every 3,000 to 5,000 miles. Your vehicle’s manufacturer should have a list of recommendations for your specific vehicle that will include guidance on oil changes, but if you can’t find that exact information then the 3,000 to 5,000 mile recommendation is a good way to go.
Find an Alaskan Auto Shop with Quality Oil Changes
Any auto shop will change your oil, but they aren’t all created equal. Make sure that the business you work with has ASE-certified technicians and a solid history of good online reviews. You should also ask if they use the same oil for every type of vehicle. (Spoiler alert, different makes and models can require different kinds and amounts of oil.) Check that your auto shop is paying attention to these details, and replacing the oil filter, too.