When it comes to caring for your car, filters probably win the award for Easiest to Forget About. So it’s not surprising that many people find themselves wondering…does changing my filters REALLY matter? Find out what happens if you don’t, and decide for yourself:

What Happens if I Don’t Change My…
Air Filter
When you hit the brakes, a lever pushes a piston into the master cylinder. The cylinder is filled with fluid
Your air filter is the most likely to become dirty and clogged. As it filters out impurities in the air, they build up on the filter. But is it really that bad to put off swapping it out? It’s just dust, right? Well, here’s what can happen if you let your clogged air filter hang around too long:
- You’ll get poor gas mileage…which can cost you $$$
- Your engine will get sluggish and may make loud noises
- Black smoke may come from the exhaust system
- Your car will have an intense fuel odor
- The check engine light will come on
- You’ll experience reduced power
That’s a lot of frustrating consequences for an easy fix! Avoiding changing your air filter just isn’t worth it.
Oil Filter
Your oil filter should be the easiest to keep up with because it’s generally replaced with every oil change. Double check with your auto shop that they are for sure replacing it, though, because here’s what can happen if you leave it too long and end up with a faulty filter:
- Your engine will overheat
- Your oil pressure will drop
- Your vehicle’s performance will suffer
So it’s not just your oil change that matters — take care of that filter, too.
Fuel Filter
Your fuel filter works to filter your diesel, and it needs to be replaced every 10,000 miles or so. It’s buried deep within your vehicle, so you may not be thinking about it. But if it needs to be changed and you ignore it, here’s what to expect:
- You’ll have difficulty starting your car
- Your car will sputter at low speeds or stall
- The engine could misfire
- Your car won’t accelerate properly
- Your vehicle’s exhaust will have a strong odor
As you can see, that’s some pretty serious stuff. Save yourself the headache and change the filter!
Changing Your Filters Isn’t Optional
Filter changes seem small in the grand scheme of your vehicle’s needs, but they are important. Make an appointment today to have them checked by the ASE-certified technicians at Pearson Auto in Fairbanks or On the Rich, Alaska.